Dubai: Crossing land, air and sea during New Year holidays More than 12 lakh people came and went to Dubai through Among the number of visitors during the New Year holidays Director General of Resida has broken the forest record. NCRD Foreigners (GDRFA) informed. Figures from December 27 to January 1 follow This has been clarified.
Agosha is a major tourist attraction in the world. New figures reveal that Ndraman is Dubai. Travelers come to the emirate mainly by air. ran 11.4 lakh passengers traveled through Dubai airport. The maximum number of people arrived in Dubai on December 30. This is 2.24 lakhs. 76,376 pilgrims reached Hatta by land and 27,108 by water.
Airports and seaports in Dubai A notable achievement underpins the city’s attractiveness. Nnatai G.D.R.F.A Dubai Medhavi Lt. General Muhammad Ahmed Al Marri said. Arrival via airports, seaports and land borders Best wishes to all visitors to Dubai GDRFA He added that Bhavan is giving.