Adani Total Gas released its December quarter (Q3FY24) results on Tuesday. The company’s profit has increased by 17.61% to Rs 176.64 crore in Q3. There has been much better performance at the EBITDA level. The company’s EBITDA has increased by 25.3% to Rs 288 crore.
There was a jump of 4.9% in the company’s income. The company’s income increased by 4.9% to Rs 1,156.1 crore in the December quarter. There has been considerable improvement in the company’s margins. The company’s margin has increased from 20.79% to 24.91% on an annual basis.
Adani Total Gas Q3FY24 (Consolidated, YoY)
- Income increased by 4.9% to Rs 1,156.1 crore
- Total profit increased by 17.61% to Rs 176.64 crore
- EBITDA increased by 25.3% to Rs 288 crore
- Margin increased from 20.79% to 24.91%