Tata Group is planning to set up India’s largest iPhone assembly plant. According to people with knowledge of the matter, Tata wants to set up this factory in Hosur in Tamil Nadu. Hosur is just 40 kilometers from Bengaluru.
20 assembly lines will be built in this facility within 2 years and about 50,000 employees will work here. This facility is expected to be operational in 12 to 18 months. At present, Apple’s spokesperson has refused to comment on the matter.
Apple is reducing dependence on production in China
This plant will boost Apple’s hopes of increasing production in India. Apple wants to diversify its production in China.
Under this, the company is further intensifying partnerships with its assembly and component partners in India, Thailand, Malaysia and other countries.
Let us tell you that Apple’s suppliers have also intensified their activities in India. They have also got strength from the subsidies they are getting from the Modi government. These suppliers include Taiwan’s Foxconn Technology and Pegatron Corporation.
Tata will open 100 stores
Tata already has a factory acquired from Winston Corporation. This factory is in the neighboring state of Karnataka. Let us tell you that Tata has also talked about opening 100 stores based on Apple products. Till now Tata has opened two stores and is preparing for three.