Fifteen schools in Bengaluru received bomb threats via email on Friday morning, i.e. 1st December. Police said that the email claimed that explosives had been planted in the school premises. However, the police searched the schools but no explosives have been found yet but the police have evacuated all the schools.
Meanwhile, bomb disposal squads have been sent to all the schools where bomb threats were received, which include schools in Whitefield, Koramangala, Basaveshnagar, Yalahanka and Sadashivnagar.
What was written in the threatening e-mail?
“The email claimed that explosives were planted on the school premises. We received a call from the command center and we immediately sent our teams to the schools, which are located in different parts of the city,” a senior police officer told PTI . “All students and staff have been safely evacuated from the school premises and an intensive search operation is being conducted.”
Advisory issued
The advisory read, “We are facing an unexpected situation at the school today. The school has received a security threat from unknown sources. As we give the highest priority to the safety of our children, we have immediately dispersed the students. Have decided to do.”
“Threatening e-mail received in 15 schools”
Karnataka Home Minister Dr G Parameshwara said, “At present, we have received information about 15 schools where threatening e-mails have been received, last year also such threats were received. We cannot take any risk, we will inspect the schools. “We are taking action. All precautionary measures are being taken in schools. We will take strict action against those making threat calls. We are looking into all aspects.”
Police said that last year, seven schools in Bengaluru had received similar bomb threats but this had turned out to be a rumour.