The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has filed a new chargesheet in the Mahadev App case. This charge sheet has been filed in a special court in Raipur. According to the PTI report, the agency will share this second chargesheet with the authorities in Dubai. ED is trying to extradite the two main promoters of the app, Ravi Uppal and Saurabh Chandrakar, to India.
Were taken into custody from Dubai
Both were recently detained in Dubai. An Interpol red notice was issued against him by the ED. The agency had shared the first chargesheet with the UAE authorities. On the basis of this, a non-bailable warrant and Interpol red notice were issued against both of them.
According to the report, sources say that on January 1, a new charge sheet of about 1,700-1,800 pages was filed. ED lawyer Saurabh Pandey said that the Special Prevention of Money Laundering Court can take cognizance of the charge sheet on January 10.
Chargesheet will be shared with Dubai authorities
PTI’s report came in December according to which the agency will soon file a second charge sheet in the case. And will share it with the Dubai authorities so that her case against the two promoters is strengthened and she gets custody. Das and Yadav were arrested by the agency in November. The agency had also included the names of Ravi Uppal and Saurabh Chandrakar in the first charge sheet before the special PMLA court.
ED had alleged in the first chargesheet that Chandrakar’s marriage took place in Ras Al Khaimah in UAE in February 2023. And for this, about Rs 200 crore was spent in cash. Private jets were hired to bring his relatives from India.