The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Saturday completed its money laundering investigation into the fund diversion case of more than Rs 2,000 crore from Religare Finvest (RFL), PTI reported, quoting official sources. ED raided 9 locations of the company in Delhi-NCR in this case.
ED has raided the corporate offices of RFL, M3M India Holdings, RHC Holding Pvt Ltd, Hilgro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd, Dion Global Solutions, Prius Commercial and others.
Digital evidence seized
During the raid, several incriminating documents including digital evidence have been seized and large scale proceeds of crime related to criminal activities have been identified.
ED had earlier registered ECIR in the case based on the FIR lodged by the Economic Offenses Wing (EOW) of Delhi Police and arrested three people Malvinder Mohan Singh, Shivinder Mohan Singh and Sunil Godhwani. ED said that investigation is still going on in this matter.