Hyderabad Fire: At least six people died in a fire in a multi-storey building in Hyderabad on Monday, November 13. The fire started in the ground floor of the car garage and spread to the upper floor, trapping people. The incident took place in a six-storey building in the Bazaar Ghat area of Nampally at around 9.35 am on Monday.
Four fire tenders reached the spot and brought the fire under control, while rescue and relief operations are currently underway. Three injured people have been taken to the hospital.
Deputy Commissioner of Police Venkateshwarlu told media persons that a preliminary investigation revealed that six people died due to suffocation due to smoke on the upper floors.
They said that,
“The fire started from a car that was undergoing repairs in the garage on the ground floor. Within seconds, the fire spread to the upper floors. Some families living on the second, third and fourth floors were trapped.”
Local residents said that the fire spread rapidly due to some chemicals in the garage.