Congress leader Rahul Gandhi MP MLA of Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh has been booked by the court in the defamation case. Now summons have been issued for 6th January. Actually, Rahul Gandhi was to appear on Saturday, 16 December but he did not appear. After which the court has issued summons to him for January 6.
Rahul Gandhi had allegedly made objectionable remarks against Union Minister Amit Shah in 2018. Regarding this, Hanumanganj resident BJP leader Vijay Mishra had filed a defamation case against Congress MP Rahul Gandhi on August 4, 2018.
According to Mishra’s lawyer Santosh Pandey, Rahul Gandhi had made objectionable remarks against Union Home Minister Amit Shah during the Karnataka Assembly in a press conference in Bengaluru, after which a defamation case was filed against him. A case has been filed. It is alleged that Amit Shah was defamed by calling him a murder accused, due to which Vijay Mishra’s sentiments have been hurt.
Vijay Mishra’s advocate Santosh Pandey said that now Rahul Gandhi has only two options. Firstly, they can come here and get bail, apart from this they will have to challenge the order of this court in the sessions court.
What is the matter?
In a press conference in Karnataka’s capital Bengaluru, Rahul Gandhi was accused of making indecent remarks against the then BJP President Amit Shah. He had called Amit Shah a murder accused, after which there was a lot of controversy. In this case, BJP leader Vijay Mishra has filed a defamation case against Gandhi.