Yesterday, on 4th June, the results of the Lok Sabha elections were announced. Many people were happy with these results but there was no dearth of people who were unhappy with them. One name in this series is that of the National President of Rashtriya Hindu Parishad India, Govind Parashar. He was so upset with these results that he resorted to vandalism.
RHP president Govind Parashar broke the TV when NDA did not get 400 seats. A video is also going viral on social media, in which his frustration can be clearly seen.
When BJP could not cross the 400 seats mark in the Lok Sabha election results, Govind Parashar got so angry that he first picked up the TV and then broke it. He did not stop here and after this he also set the TV on fire. In the clip, some people are also seen stopping him from doing so.
Let us tell you that the slogan ‘Abki Baar 400 Paar’ did not seem to be successful in this election. The NDA alliance led by the Bharatiya Janata Party won only 294 seats. In such a situation, their ally Rashtriya Hindu Parishad could not digest how the NDA slogan could not become a ground reality.
Let us tell you that the number of seats won by NDA is much less than the estimated numbers given by the exit polls. The results that NDA has received in the recent elections are quite shocking. In such a situation, people who supported BJP are very disappointed.