Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday inaugurated the country’s longest sea bridge, Atal Setu, in Mumbai, Maharashtra. The foundation stone of this bridge was also laid by Prime Minister Modi in December 2016.
This bridge is named after former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and is also known as Mumbai Trans Harbor Link (MTHL).
Atal Setu will connect South Mumbai to Navi Mumbai and on an average people will be able to cover this distance in less than 20 minutes. This means that to cover the distance, people had to face traffic jams at various places and it took more than 2 hours, now this journey will become very easy and economical for them.
How long will the bridge be, how much will it cost, what are the benefits?
- Mumbai Trans Harbor Link (MTHL) is about 22 km long bridge. The 16.50 kilometer long portion of this bridge is above the sea, while the 5.5 kilometer portion is above the land.
- MTHL is a 6-lane Harbor Link Bridge, which looks quite grand from above. It has been constructed at a cost of Rs 17,840 crore.
- This Atal Setu starts from Siwari in South Mumbai and connects to Nhava Sheva in Uran Block of Raigarh district in Navi Mumbai.
- After its inauguration, the distance between Mumbai and Navi Mumbai can be covered in just 20 minutes instead of 2 hours. People will get relief from traffic jams.
- This bridge will provide faster connectivity to Mumbai International Airport and Navi Mumbai International Airport.
- MTHL will improve connectivity between Mumbai Port and Jawaharlal Nehru Port. It will also reduce the travel time from Mumbai to Pune, Goa and South India.