Bollywood actor Randeep Hooda has tied the knot with 37 year old Lynn Laishram at the age of 47. Both of them took seven rounds in Imphal (Manipur) on 29 November as per traditional Meitei customs. Randeep and Lynn were dating each other for many years.
Randeep Hooda and Lynn Laishram’s wedding pictures are going viral on social media. The couple had chosen traditional Manipuri wedding dress for their special day. Randeep was a Manipuri groom and wore a special type of turban with white dhoti-kurta.
Whereas Lynn wore magenta colored traditional ‘Patloi’. ‘Patloi’ is a cylinder skirt made of thick cloth and hard bamboo, decorated with satin cloth and other embellishments. Lynn’s patloi had intricate embroidered embellishments with golden zari work as well as silver thread at the bottom.
Randeep and Lynn got married at the Shannapung resort in Imphal. Apart from his family, close friends and relatives attended. Their wedding theme was based on a page from the Mahabharata, which told the story of Prince Arjun’s marriage with the heroic princess Chitrangada.
The entire venue was decorated with white colored clothes and flowers, along with golden colored decorations. A huge board was placed at the entry gate, on which the names of Randeep and Lynn were written. The huge wedding mandap with marble floor was also visible.