Reliance Industries Chairman and Managing Director (MD) Mukesh Ambani announced an additional investment of Rs 20,000 crore for West Bengal. He said at the Bengal Global Business Summit (BGBS) that the initial investment will be made in the fields of digital life solutions, retail and bio-energy. West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee was also present in this program.
Mukesh Ambani told in BGBS that Reliance Industries has invested Rs 45,000 crore in West Bengal in the last few years. He said, ‘Reliance Industries will not leave any opportunity for the progress of Bengal.’
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Ambani also said, ‘Reliance Foundation will bring back the original beauty of the famous Kalighat temple of Kolkata by reviving and renovating it.’
Improved the network
In the Bengal Business Summit program, Ambani said, ‘In order to improve connectivity in rural Bengal, we have extended the 5G network to most parts of West Bengal.’
Along with this, Reliance Industries has also partnered with Biswa Bangla Corp for the sale of Bengali handicrafts through Reliance Retail.
Along with this, the company is also preparing to set up a CBG plant.