Five children died in Amroha of Uttar Pradesh and two children died of suffocation at home in Lakhimpur Kheri district. While the condition of two people is critical, they have been admitted to the hospital for treatment. The first case is from Amroha, here five children of the same family sleeping in the house died of suffocation. Two others were taken to hospital in critical condition.
Police said that they had lit a coal fireplace inside the house, which could have caused the accident.”Prima facie the cause of death could be lack of oxygen as these people had lit a coal fireplace in their room.”
According to NDTV report, seven members of the family went to sleep on Monday (January 8) night and when they did not open the door till Tuesday (January 9) evening, the neighbors became suspicious. They forcibly broke the door and entered the house.
According to the information, the house belonged to Rahizuddin, whose three children and two children of his relatives have died in this accident. The condition of his wife and brother is said to be critical.
Heavy police force and administrative officials including Superintendent of Police Kunwar Anupam Singh reached the spot and started investigating the case.
According to the information, the police have sent all five bodies for post-mortem, while two people have been taken to the District Community Health Center for treatment.
Prima facie it seems that they had burnt coal in the room due to which there was a lack of oxygen in the room and 5 children died due to suffocation. 7 people were sleeping in the room. 2 people have been sent for treatment.
Rajesh Tyagi, District Magistrate, Amroha
Two children died due to suffocation in Lakhimpur Kheri
At the same time, in Mailani police station area of Lakhimpur Kheri, two children of a family sleeping in the house died of suffocation and the condition of the couple is also critical, and they were admitted to the hospital for treatment. It is being told that the couple slept with the fireplace lit in the room, due to the smoke of which the children died of suffocation.
A local person said that a fireplace was lit inside the house which kept filling the room throughout the night. They did not get oxygen and there was no way for the smoke to come out in the room.
What is the harm from burning fireplace or coal furnace?
by burning a fireplace or coal furnace Harmful gases like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide etc. are released. If the room in which it is burnt is closed, not much air is able to enter the room. Due to continuous release of these gases, the flow of oxygen in the closed room reduces and the problem of suffocation can occur. Prolonged exposure can also result in death.